The Street Voice newsletter is an independent and free production!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Street Voice, April Edition 2006



Steve DIY Profile/Kerri Taylor Profile

So, sorry guys...This'll be Street Voice's last issue...April Fools! Hahahaha. So, striking in the UK, The United States President making a fool of himself every day of the week, a statue of Britney Spears practically giving birth on a bear skin rug surfaces and Russia's running out of legal Vodka...Holy Shite! Anyhow, welcome to another fabulous issue of Street Voice.

Kerri Taylor

Last night was pretty good - Went to see Rebelation, Timia & The SPG and Weightloss in Canterbury last night. Had a few drinks and watched some good bands. Anyway this issue is dedicated to all the people who will be out on April 22nd in support of showing the world the brutal conditions that animals in Vivisectionist Death Camps have to go through. Rather than write article after article I'd like you to try vegetarian food on the 22nd April. Think about the animals locked up in Vivisection Labs, the animals slaughtered to be rammed down your throats and all the animals that are murdered by hunting scum. Enjoy this issue.

Steve DIY


Wendy O Williams was born on the 28th May 1949 and took her on life own the 6th April 1998. She will be best remembered in my eyes for fronting American Punk band 'The Plasmatics'. I remember picking up 'Butcher Baby' after seeing her posing in an old UK Magazine called 'Punk Lives'. For a young teen I thought she was well hot and checked out what she was about - My first listen to them was 'Butcher Baby' on 'Stiff Records'.

The sound was different to most bands around at the time - Most of the Punk bands from 1977 had either split or had toned their sound right down. I didn't really like the Crass or Discharge and even though I loved 'Oi!' and 'Ska' I wanted more from the guitars. Bands like the 'Runaways' and the Plasmatics really did it for me in that department.

When The Plasmatics finally split in the early 80's Wendy went on to have a very successful career in Rock Music and also had a starring role in the movie 'Reform School Girls'. Soon after that she dropped out the scene and spent more time looking after animals and promoting the vegetarian cause.

While much is said about Wendy O Williams and her wild antics the cause of being vegetarian and looking after animals was also a major part of her life. She was a kind and caring lady who just couldn't live on this earth any longer and on that day in April 1998 she put a gun to her head.

One of her notes she wrote:

"The act of taking my own life is not something I am doing without a lot of thought. I don't believe that people should take their own lives without deep and thoughtful reflection over a considerable period of time. I do believe strongly, however, that the right to do so is one of the most fundamental rights that anyone in a free society should have. For me much of the world makes no sense, but my feelings about what I am doing ring loud and clear to an inner ear and a place where there is no self, only calm. Love always, Wendy"

A sad day for family, friends and fans but even on her death Wendy thought of the animals. She didn't want no flowers at her funeral - Instead she wanted donations to go to 'The Quiet Corner Wildlife Center' in Ashford CT/USA. That in itself was a very kind gesture from a very kind person who thought of others despite how her life ended.

The 'Bump And Grind' DVD is a recording from one of her solo shows in Camden London in 1985. For a full review of this wicked product please go here.


1949 - 1998



Apart from putting out the wicked Rock magazine 'Black Velvet' Shari has to be one of the most compassionate people about. Here I run a short interview with her regards Veganism and this is what she had to say:

When you did first become vegan?

I became vegan about 3 1/2 years ago. I'd been vegetarian for 13 years or so but never took the plunge because I didn't really know the cruelty that went into dairy farming and hadn't really paid attention to the other aspects that involved the abuse of animals. Plus a lot of the time you don't realise the type of food that is available for vegans. I didn't realise all the different brands of soya cheese that you could actually buy for example. I used to think I could never live without cheese since I used to eat cheese pizza, cheese sandwiches, cheese on toast...

Do you find you miss anything foodwise or other things in life because you're vegan?

Not really. I've found the brands of food that I like so there are substitutes that are pretty much as good as the 'real thing' (although I probably shouldn't say 'real thing' as that makes it seem like meat is better, when it's not - and eating vegan food is as real as anything... but you know what I mean). I kind of miss not being able to eat out at a pizza restaurant or being able to buy a ready made pizza. It's a shame there are so many fast food restaurants that sell meat products but not many vegan ones. It seems the UK is behind the US though. There's a pizza restaurant in Seattle that is vegan and in American you can buy soya cheese pizza from Wholefoods Market, which is a supermarket chain that is everywhere. It's a shame they're not available here. But I've learned to make my own pizza - which tastes really good, so it's ok.

How do you feel about people who say it's too difficult to become vegetarian?

Well it's easy to think that when you haven't gone out and really looked for food or done research. But even supermarkets now sell vegan margarine, soya milk and a large range of vegan products. Then there are the Holland & Barretts in nearly ever town. Even if you don't have a vegan store near you you can find vegan products elsewhere. There's a really good book that the Vegan Society produces called The Animal Free Shopper and that lists all the vegan products available in the UK - according to product and in which stores you can find them. That book is a Godsend. You can look up chocolate for example and it will tell you which flavours and which brands you can eat. If you're online you can also order from online vegan stores and they have a good range. There's which sells everything from donuts and vegan chocolate bars to burger mixes and lollipops. There's also another store called Goodness Direct that although it's not a dedicated vegan store it has a vegan section and loads of vegan products. You can get frozen and chilled food from there - everything from Hungarian Goulash Pie - which I tried for the first time last week - to Redwood's super-melting Cheezly, the best cheese for pizza. Once you know where to look and buy food it's no problem. I'm the fussiest eater in the world, so if I can find vegan food I like then anyone can.

April is the month for compassion for Animals so would you like more more people to try an alternative way of life to save animals?

Of course. Even if they eat meat, they could try the vegetarian option in a restaurant, or just try out a few more vegetarian products. A lot of people don't even realise how good veggie food tastes until they've tried it. Being vegan or vegetarian doesn't mean you only eat vegetables - I'm not a big vegetable eater at all. There are soooo many good products and food you can try. I've even been eating vegan chocolate pudding a lot lately! There's really no need to eat meat. We don't need it to survive, and of course it is cruel to eat meat because those animals really deserve to have a life, like us. I'd recommend going vegan, or vegetarian if they don't think they can take the vegan leap, to anyone. I swear it was the best thing I ever did - and I just wish I'd done it sooner.

Thanks to Shari for answering those questions and I hope you found them of use? Please do check out her magazine you really will enjoy it.



A few weeks ago I was trawling the internet for some new bands to listen to and came across Canadian artist Ash Riot. After requesting a press pack I was sent her debut album 'This Time I Forgive You Again' which you can find reviewed here. On the basis of this great album I sent Ash an interview which she kindly got back to me fairly sharpish and this can be viewed here.



Yana Chupenko is the main player behind Rock band 'Shiny Mama' - However she is veteran to the scene having been in 'PMS' one of the first all female NYHC bands in the early 80's.

From then on she went on to form the all female Metal band 'Wench' who supported artists such as Wendy O Williams and Suicidal Tendencies. They even did a European tour with NYHC legends 'Agnostic Front'.

This brings us up to present day where Yana has just released the 'What Comes Around Goes Around' album and that review can be viewed here.

I have also done an interview with Yana about her life and her music. This interview can be viewed here.


Welcome to the new age of radio-broadcasting

With the invention of personal MP3 players like the Ipod comes a new wave of broadcasting everything from television news and entertainment programs to a sci-fi geeks revival of science fiction laden news and story time. Podcasts are available from many sites including I-Tunes, Podcast Alley, and even the individual websites and blogs devoted to the programs. These broadcasts can be downloaded and played on nearly any MP3 player and/or computer.

My first experience with Podcasts came when I received my Ipod. My friends had finally convinced me to check into NPR programs and it just happens that NPR podcasts most of their programming. This meant that I could download the material and then take it to work to listen to at my leisure. How convenient! Most podcasts are free of charge, just like radio and like radio programming; some segments do include advertising spots depending on the availability of a promoter. NPR, sponsored by Acura, usually just gives a 20 second spot at the beginning and/or end of the program.

Once I got used to using my Ipod to catch up on Global news and Politics, I wanted to see what else was out there. So, I started investigating. To my surprise there is a whole world of independently produced podcasts all over the Internet. Even more surprising, it is these independents that spawned the interest in this technology. Of course the corporate world took note at its steadily rising figures and have since decided to join the club either by sponsoring or by broadcasting their own programs.

It appears, at least at this point, that podcasting enjoys a certain level of creative freedom from censorship making it twice as appealing as conventional airwaves. While traditional radio jockeys have to watch their mouths at every turn for fear of fines and other repercussions, Podcasting jockeys can pretty much say what they want. Furthermore, podcasts are not relegated to signals and towers, instead they exist via the internet making them accessible to anyone, anywhere on the planet with a modem.

And so, in honor of this new age of media broadcasting, let me introduce you to a couple of my favorite podcasts:

First of all, though NPR is not independent, per se, for those of you living in the US, this is your best bet for unbiased reporting of the goings on around the globe on all manner of topics. You can find a listing of NPR podcasts by visiting their website. For those of you in the UK and surrounding areas, the BBC also has podcasting available for all your news and political needs.

Now, my pick-this month - for an independent podcast worth every minute of the time it takes to find it, download it and enjoy is Feast of Fools hosted by Marc Felion and Fausto Fernos, a gay couple talking it up in Chicago. One of the first of its kind, the show airs five days a week and includes a cast of zany characters that perfectly accentuate the easy banter between the dynamic-duo themselves. So far, my favorite is the clever, in-your-face diva by the name of Miss Ronnie.

Not only do they chat it up about their lives and experiences; they discuss some of the topics going on in the world from politics to wedding dresses accessorized with birds. They also give listeners a chance to hear some independent musicians and give movie reviews of the quieter gay persuasion. They have an increasingly large fan base so much so in fact that recently, HBOs Big Love series sponsored the show, for about a month. These guys are witty, intelligent and definitely worth a listen.

So, go to the website Feast Of Fools, poke around and enjoy some quality entertainment. Buy a t-shirt (though the price is a bit steep) and get to know this funny cast from the windy city. If youre so inclined, feel free to buy Miss Ronnie an Ipod (shes a working student after all). New Yorkers have a chance of meeting the cast live and in person on April 13th, 2006. Details can be found on their website.

Other podcasts worth a mention here

Urban Coffee

The Bitterest Pill

Kerri Taylor Profile



Pet is one of my fave models I've come across on the internet. I don't think I've seen one bad photo shoot of hers yet. Not only that but she comes across as a really caring person who loves great music and animals. I dropped her off an interview recently where we talked about her modelling and her role as a Real Time Submissive. Here's what she had to say:

First off can you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am IndustrialPet, but most people call me Pet. I am 23 and currently live in Florida. I am married but we have an open relationship. I love bondage, art, music, animals, reading, cooking and anything that makes me happy. My favorite books are long epic ones like the Outlander series or A Song of Ice and Fire. I much prefer staying home and reading to going out and partying. I pride myself on being a very friendly person and take great joy in getting to know my fans.

At what age did you want to become a model and first pose naked?

Well I always wanted to be a model. The only thing was that I was way too short and had more of an eclectic taste to be your average model. I could never imagine myself without piercings or tattoos even at a very young age. The first time I ever posed naked was when I was 16 with my then boyfriend. He had just gotten one of those cameras that made the really tiny polaroid pictures, god I wish I could remember what it was called. So we fucked around with it and I ended up naked somehow. The first time I ever posed naked legally and for the purpose of sharing the pictures was when I was 21. I had recently discovered an alt porn site and decided that there needed to be better pictures and better photoset ideas than your average get naked on a bed and act all innocent ones.I've seen some of your photos on Cittie Kittie and they leave very little to the imagination so have you any limits? I don't do scat or anything like that. I guess that would be a limit. But I have done a hardcore B/G set for and plan on submitting one to City Kittie in the near future. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing hardcore things as long as you really enjoy it. I would never put a set up of something that I didn't want to do because it would be wrong. I am a fully sexual being just like most people, I just choose to share my sexuality through pictures, video and written erotica.

How do you see your future as a model?

I really don't look far into the future. I will keep doing it for as long as I can. The only thing that will stop me is if I stop enjoying it. I guess the only thing I have looked into the future about is my personal site. I plan on making a members only area that will have photos and videos and trying to make that my main priority as far as modeling goes.You're also in to the fetish scene and a real life slave so how did you get in to that? I have always been intrigued by fetish. I just didn't know what it was when I was younger. It all started when I was 17 and was underage at one of the local bondage clubs. They had these mock slave auctions every year and my friend entered me for fun. The guy who bought me ended up being my Sir's best friend and he gave me to him as a present. We ended up getting along really well and got married 6 months later. Then the next year we had a collaring ceremony which is similar to a wedding but for Master/slave purposes. My Sir introduced me to being spanked and tied up and over the years we have discovered new fetishes for us to try out.

What limits do you put upon yourself?

I really am not sure how to answer this. My limits are always changing, sometimes I think I may not be able to do something but then I find out I was wrongand all I had to do was try. The only limit I have is my happiness, if I am not happy with something I will not do it.

Some would argue that you are not a strong woman if you are willing to submit - would you like to say a few words about that?

Just because I choose to serve another in a submissive role does not mean I am a doormat. I have my own opinions, thoughts and feelings that matter as much as my Sir's do. I really don't have much to say about this however. No matter how I answer there is always going to be the people who think that being a sub means being weak. I have argued with those people until I turn blue and they still think that, nothing I say will change that so I would rather save my energy for better things.

I noticed you want to do Horror Porn so what kind of roles would you like play?

I would love to play the role of the person who murders the lovely girl/guy after seducing her. I always imagined myself as being the murderer or demon or whatever. I would never want to be the victim, I would have more fun as the villianess. One day I will make my own horror porn, you just wait.

You also like music so what bands do you recommend to our readers?

I would definately recommend Blutengel, Nick Cave, Suicide Commandos, Seelenkrank, Noisex, and De Coy. I also have discovered some bands on that I feel are worth mentioning, Shallow Grave Satanic Symphony, Gretchen, Devilspoons, and Telekinesis For Cats to name a few.

Apart from music, submission and modelling what other things do you like doing?

I love reading and will read just about anything I can get my hands on. I also love decoupage and am always ripping interesting pictures/ads out of magazinesto use. If I am not doing that I am either cooking or playing with my animals. I have 4 dogs and 2 cats that demand a lot of attention.

Anything you'd like to add?

I would just like to say thank you for giving me this wonderful oppurtunity! Also, anyone who is over 18 should check out my free fansite - It has exclusive pictures as well as forums, my journal and my email address. I always respond to all my fans and love getting email.

Thanks to Pet for taking time out to do the interview. Please do take some time to check her out - She really is a cool lady.

All Photo's used in this interview remain the copyright control of Industrial Pet.


How will you sleep tonight?

At this moment, there are roughly 380,000 single homeless people in Great Britain. Around 25% of these are aged between 18 and 25 and about 6% are over 60. 90% of all homeless people are male. There are a number of reasons for becoming homeless that include the breakdown of a family unit, leaving the Armed Forces or Local Authority Care and abuse in one of its many forms. And what are the government doing to help these vulnerable people? Nothing. This is a huge number of people in this country who have no rights at all, often due to circumstances beyond their own control. Meanwhile, local councils allow buildings to fall into disrepair and fund 20,000 fact-finding missions to far-flung places for no apparent reason. Charities such as Crisis and Shelter do their best to support these people, but with the housing crisis getting worse and unscrupulous landlords able to charge extortionate rent, how on earth are these people supposed to start again? Many want to, but the powers that be in this country seem to feel that their view is unimportant. What can you do? Well, stop seeing them as an irritation and start viewing them as what they are people. Start lobbying your councils to provide housing or shelter for these people. Support the charities that do their best to help them. Complain about landlords who charge too much for inadequate housing. Because anyone could become homeless. It could be you.

Michelle X ( Figures taken from Crisis)



What is this?

"Most kids cant buy music online. Kids in many towns can only buy music at chain stores like Walmart. For that reason Lucid Nation decided to archive all our music up till now for free download.

To make it a special event for us and for people who like our music, we came up with the idea of the Hundred Song March: one song a day for a hundred days.

Actually it will be closer to 150 songs and there will be missed days, and two missed weeks when our programmer goes on vacation. Consequently on some days well put up more than one song to make up for lapses.

All songs will have a story to go with them even if only a few sentences. Well include some pictures, too.

When the Hundred Song March is complete the archive will remain available at Lucid Nation.Com."

I had the pleasure of interviewing the gorgeous Tamra Spivey the creator of Lucid Nation and you can read what she had to say about her latest project


DESTRUCTION - The New Creativity?

Have you noticed this or am I crazy? Creative culture seems to be dying - and the sentiment of our current times is doing everything in its power to KILL IT.

When I was in college, I studied "humanities". What makes us different from life outside the food chain is we create - music, art, literature, thought. We wonder why we are here, and some of us try to make the most of our time on planet earth by MAKING something. Clothing, Music, Pictures, a place for people to meet and have fun, food, whatever. It is an expression of an idea or a concept, which didn't exist quite that way before - that came out of nothing and now EXISTS, as part of the cultural landscape for people to share, enjoy, or at least, contemplate.

It seems we are surrounded by destruction: war, aggression, violence. Violent crimes are up in some cities and they don't know why. People are shooting each other over conflicts that barely merit a double-take. As we see in New York City, there is less and less support for the arts. The music scene will suffer the loss of two important venues - The Continental and CBGB. Monetary contributions from private sources to The Arts are down, let alone the non-existant government support. What happened to the NEA? Some yahoo got pissed off at ONE work where a crucifix was put in a cup of piss (remember "Piss Christ"?). Killed the whole program, though they weren't too thrilled with Karen Finley smearing herself in chocolate, either (p.s. Finley sold out and did the same thing for Playboy - sad). Think of the thousands of other artists who were cut off and probably got soul-killing desk jobs like all the other creative types I know.

Even worse for the creative process is the apathy that lets destructive forces rule. Our society watches while all this goes on like it's a television sit-com. As long as the TV works and there's a car in the driveway, I think most of America thinks they are happy and have a good life. What about a good life for humanity? What about evolving into a kinder, gentler species? THIS is what The Arts do for us. Music soothes the savage beast, but so does art, film, drama, and experiential creativity in whatever form it takes that makes us stop worrying about the almighty dollar for one second to think and enjoy. It's a cerebral "stop to smell the flowers" to live in the moment and remember why we are alive.

If anything, this time of destruction has spawned MORE creativity from me because I fear that creative culture may have its last gasp right in front of me. I cannot let that happen. I've seen what it's done to my city. The artists and musicians have left in droves. It seems that "culture" is something to entertain the yuppies at clubs with "bottle service". It's "Sex & The City" rather than a big dick up the ass of the imagination devoid drones who think they can buy a lifestyle in a boutique.

We have a government that destroys not creates, draining funding and human resources from scientific, artistic, humanitarian (what happened to re-building New Orleans, one of our KEY cultural centers?) and nurturing efforts for the children of tomorrow in order to give "a good peppering" to the people who don't agree with us today. That's the only true "trickle down" theory that works - our goverment espouses a value system that holds destruction under the guise of bettering humanity above all else. What set of values will create a better global society - the one I envision, or the one we have now?




"Formed in January 2004, KAMIKAZE SPERM combine fast and furious old school Oi! Punk with catchy, insane horn lines."

I wouldn't argue with that - In fact that sums up K.S. for me and I hope to catch them on tour at some point so I can see them play their tunes live.

A few weeks back I got sent one of their promo CD's and the review of that can be found here. On the back of that promo I sent them an interview which I recently got back. This interview can be viewed



I play with dolls for a living,or more sanely put,I'm a morbid fine art doll artist.For most people when they think of "morbid dolls" they think of mass marked toys that are made to appeal to the young goth crowd, they are just edgy enough to make mom and dad uncomfortable, but not edgy enough to actually make any kind of meaningful or profound statement. Most people not knowing any better,think that a morbid fine art doll, is the same things as a gothy or morbid toy. There is a big difference in the two.

The term "fine art dolls" refers to dolls that are NOT toys or playthings,they are normally crafted from top materials, made with fine fabric's and have to sort of meet a certain standard,to differentiate them from say re-painted toys, made to look almost kitschy in a gothic sort of way. Fine art dolls also along with being fine works of art, also at times tackle more serious subjects, such as life, death, sexuality, sorrow, pain, obsession and great beauty.

Enough doll art education for now........

* I started making dolls when I was around 16 years old,and started doing it professionally at around 19,I'm now 26.So I have been playing with dolls for a long time.

* I have always been artistic even as a child,I have also been haunted by strange dreams since then,and one day I got it into my head it would be interesting to see if I would be any good at sculpting, so I attempted to make a doll.That first doll was the Cripple doll I have up on my website.I have not stopped since.

* I never had a huge interest in dolls as a child, like most little girls, I had dolls and played with them a normal amount, but I was also a bit of a tomboy and preferred playing outside to playing Barbies all day.

* As I mentioned before I have been afflicted,if you want to call it that,with really surreal strange dreams from the time I was little. Which my Mother thankfully never made me feel strange for and also encouraged me to delve into them and their meaning. I'm assuming the fact I grew up in Louisiana had something to do with that, being as things like superstition, "second sight" and Voodoo are apart of our culture here.

* After I became a doll maker,I started incorporating things I saw in my dreams into my doll work. Like a true Surrealist about 85 to 90 % of my work, is inspired by things I have "seen" in my dreams. Some people make morbid or strange art to show off how weird or spooky they can be. When I started really becoming a artist, I didn't have any intention of ANYONE ever seeing my work. So that was never a intention I aspired to, I never had the feeling that "wouldn't it be fun to show everybody how spoooookkyyyy I am." I'm sure most people think I'm weird enough as it is. Granted I have things I make for fun, for my own personal amusement. Things that I do as a break from the more serious subjects I deal with in my fine art work. Things like my Baphomet dolls, help me still do something creative and also let off some steam.

* I think I became a artist because I was born a artist. At times I feel like it's my path in life,to use art because I feel there are things that need to be expressed,and brought out into the world. It's also my metaphoric way of throwing piss,into the eyes of society.


Shyla Bio:

Ugly Shyla is a self-taught producer of hand-crafted, sub-cultured fine-art dolls that have been showcased in museums and galleries, as well as in e-zines and print. Not only were her dolls used as props in the book Dream, by the master of dark photography, John Santerineross, but Ugly also participated in some of the elaborate photos as a model. In addition, Uglys impressive roster of talents include painting, shock performance and modeling, which she participates in primarily for the promotion of her doll making. Resume credits include: Lithium Picnic, Steven Diet Goedde, Superbitch magazine, AMF Corsets and St. Elizabeths Doll Museum. The androgynous alternative beauty hails from Louisiana, where she resides with her 3 legged cat Scooter. Additional information about Ugly and her dolls can be found at her

Bio (c) Nina Hugo.



"Behind the broadening horizons of the European music scene you will find the Beangrowers. Hailing from the Mediterranean island of Malta, this female-fronted three-piece has become known for their off-the-wall tunes, an infectious mixture of guitar-based pop and quirky keyboard sounds: think Blondie meets Joy Division. "Keeper of the angelic vocal chords" - frontwoman/guitarist Alison Galea is up there alongside PJ and Nina Persson. If you like your pop-rock short, sharp and to the fuzz-guitar driven point, then you'll love the Beangrowers. But there's more: the seedy, jazzy noir narratives on "The Priest"; the bitter-sweet Cardigans-y "Waiting"; and intense, brooding numbers such as "Analyse". The beauty of it is how the band has merged the greyness of its post-punk alternative influences with sparkling choruses or even breezy uplifting melodies. With 3 albums under their belt, Beangrowers are to date best known in continental Europe. Based in Berlin for a number of years, they were signed to Rough Trade's German division and built a strong fan-base through video rotation on VIVA and MTV Central while touring with the likes of Elbow, Tindersticks, Stereophonics, dEUS and Trash Can Sinatras. Fans include award-winning director Wim Wenders (Buena Vista Social Club, Wings of Desire, Million Dollar Hotel) who used their music for his latest movie "Land of Plenty". They wowed audiences in the USA when they visited in 2004 and 2005, playing the SXSW and the legendary Sine' club in New York. Their latest album "Dance Dance Baby" has now been released in Germany and Australia, with a forthcoming release in the USA. The Beangrowers will release their UK debut single "You Are You Are" in March 2006 on Series 8 Records. The album will be out in June."

This Maltese Indie band really are worth checking out. I reviewed their yet to be released single 'You Are You Are' and that review can be found here. Becausxe they are a cool band I have recently run an interview with them and that interview can be viewed here.



I'm a huge fan of the Angelic Upstarts and have been since the late 70's - There's just something about their lyrics and music which I've always enjoyed. Their debut album 'Teenage Warning' just blew me away - It saw me lose a few pounds in weight as I saved up my school dinner money to buy the bastard. However it was well worth it and I still have that same album in my collection to this day.

Despite being a Punk band they eventually got caught up with the 'Oi!' scene - While many bands in that scene drifted to the Right it has to be said Mensi (The Vocalist) stood still. The Far Right dragged many bands in to it's inner circle and Mensi rejected that shit.

26 years on and Mensi still rejects the Far Right - He's come under fire from them, been threatened by them and even seen his family come under fire from them. Despite all the nonsense from the Far Right he still stands by his Anti-Fascist Working Class roots to this day.

In 2005 The Angelic Upstarts headlined a benefit gig in London put on by FFRUK to raise money for the Marxist organisation 'IWCA'. Around 12 other bands played that show and to show how deep Mensi still stood by his beliefs the Angelic Upstarts usual gig fee was shared amongst every band who played. Every band recieved 100 ($170) for playing this show. Now how many other larger Punk bands would split their gig fee like that?!! Not many I can tell you! Incidentally over 300 was raised for the IWCA.

Out of all the songs The Angelic Upstarts have ever recorded 'Solidarity' has got to be my favourite song by them. Just read these lyrics:


"all the polish workers fight to make their stand
and behind them every honest working men
in unity there`s each other and your friend becomes your brother
and in the tyrant`s heart will be a lesson learned

give them hope, give them strength, give them live
like a candle burning in the black of night
we`re all with you in our hearts and in our minds
and we`ll pray for our nation through its darkest times

the tyrant has no smile upon his face
cause he knows that in his minds he`s in disgrace
remission of you will take his breath away
until we come and we will have our day

give them hope, give them strength, give them live
like a candle burning in the black of night
we`re all with you in our hearts and in our minds
and we`ll pray for our nation through its darkest times

as the polish workers fight to make their stand
and behind them every honest working men
join hand with your brother and then you can help each other
watch the tyrant burn in the fire that he had built."

The Angelic Upstarts have been captured on DVD and a full review of this recording can be found here.

I know many of you still haven't seen the interview that I did with Mensi in 2005. This can be found here.

Cheers to Mensi for being a top bloke and here's to the future! Thanks for the brilliant music you've put out over the years.

Other Angelic Upstarts releases worth checking out on Cherry Red are Reason Why? and the Independent Punk Singles Collection CD's.



I first came across these guys a couple of years ago when Dan sent me their demo. Finding out they were doing a gig near me I thought it was time I got around to interviewing them. I sent an interview off and got it back in less than 5 hours so you can view that interview here.



These guys have to be one of my fave bands to come out of America in the 80's. I was quite surprised to see they were still going when I bumped in to them on the net. After chatting to them for a while I sent them an interview which can be viewed here.



Holly is holding an alternative fashion show - This is Being held in Jacks Bar/Falkirk on Saturday the 15th of April. Cost 1.50. It's a benefit so please do try pop along and support it. There's nine models and six photographers with alternative clothes on offer as well as a raffle and loads more.


Meet the Atomic Swindlers . This kick-ass band has a retro sound with kickin vocals and lyrical content that has my IPOD cranked. You just cant help but swoon as the intro to Float comes at you. Even better is watching the rawkin animated video with a lesbian-love, super-hero theme. If you havent seen this video or heard this song, youve been hiding beneath a rock! Their newest single release for MySpacers Into the Strange is equally as thrilling with lyrics such as out of poetry, out of afternoons, crumpled passion, a love that levels you.

Their latest album Coming Out Electric is available at CD Baby. New Yorkers can check them out on April 8th, 2006 @ 7pm, at the Milestone Music Room. Admission is 5 bucks and lemme tell you; their sound is way more than worth that! For more information check them out at Atomic Swindlers or MySpace.

The band has agreed to do an interview with yours truly for the next issue and I am looking forward to the fun that will be. Thanks to the bands Manager, Harvey, with Abacus Creative Management, for helping set this up. So, what are you waiting for? Get to the website and fall in love with this hot act. Dont forget to check us out next month for the interview where Ill ask among other things Where I can get one of those fabulous owls?!

Well that's it for this month. Next issue of 'Street Voice out on Wednesday 3rd May 2006. Also look out for the new FFRUK newsletter out on April 12th 2006. Please keep on sending those Promo Packs/Releases in. Until the next issue.


Saturday, March 04, 2006


March Edition, 2006



Steve DIY Profile/Kerri Taylor Profile

Hey there dear readers. Welcome to the March, 2006 edition of the Street Voice. I hope everyone survived the many events that took place from the Olympics to the Vice Presidents’ bad aim. This months edition is sure to fill you with content not found in the midst of any of the above events. We’d like to focus more on what it is you want to hear about. Steve, Vix and I have created articles worth perusing and as always there are some neat, terrific interviews and publicity information from talents we highly recommend. So read on, check us out. This is guaranteed to be a great ride. Grab the popcorn, put that movie on pause…fuck Jerry Springer…we’ve got information you just can’t get anywhere else…at least not all in one place.



Hey Peeps I didn't do an intro last time as I was pretty much typing this up to the very last minute like I am doing this issue. I think this is by far the strongest issue yet and I hope you enjoy it?!! There's some bloody good bands and models featured so go along to their sites and show them support. There's quite a bit happening over the next few months so keep tunes to Street Voice. You know it makes sense:-) Until next time have fun and if you see me at a bar - Mines a JD and Coke. With ice too you fuckers:-)


This issue is for Michelle my partner, Tara Rez, Kitty Kowalski, Quita, Gianni and Ev of Striker, Doug and Cherry Red, Household Name, Mensi, Jenny and Simon at Victory Records, Dek and the Drongo's, Vince at Chaos Agency, All the women who work at Rape Crisis UK, Anti Fascists everywhere and you for reading this. Keep Up The Good Fight!!



By the time you read this the Duel will be in America on a mini tour of the USA taking in 10 dates. Bands they will be playing include Red Alert, Sick On The Bus and The Radicts. They are also on the bill for the 'Brit Invasion' gig put on by SOS Records. Personally I think the Duel are one of the best bands doing the rounds at the moment and their yet to be released album confirms it for me. You're also never going to meet a more cooler person than Tara Rez(Vocalist) so check out their US dates and have a listen to some of their tunes. Please visit the above site. Hope all goes well Tara - I know you're going to have the best time. Lots Of Love Steve XXXX.



Valeze may be up-and-coming, but they aren't coming quietly! Rising to the top of the New York music scene with their hot shows and hotter frontwoman, Valeze has created more than another band. They've created a rock party. Valeze's provocative shows are pumped full of raw energy. With a whirlwind of melodically-crashing songs, they command the stage with fierce guitar riffs and the wicked vocals of the flirtatious and classically-trained Tiffany Randol. Building on their influences from the seminial bands of the late Seventies - Blondie, the Clash and the Sex Pistols in particular - Valeze has cultivated a sound all their own.

Live, the sexy Tiff may be the focal point, but the Valeze experience wouldn't be complete without the infectious energy of AC Delco (guitar), Joe H(bass), Tim Grace (keys)and Miles Kennedy (drums). Dressed to the nines in their matching suits and tiny ties, these guys instill fervor into each and every performance. Valeze is more than a hot New York band. They have nabbed the attention of corporate sponsors (Sam Ash, Panasonic, Mountain Dew, Garnier Fructis, and more) and when they're not thrilling Manhattanites, they're roaring across North America. From L.A. to Philly, Detroit to Toronto, Valeze is guaranteed to light up the night and wake up the neighbors!

Valeze are a wicked band and after hearing their 'Liar' EP I can safely say they just have to be heard. Please go here for a review of that EP.



When my co-editor sent me his request for the subject matter of this month’s column, I nearly blew soda all over my desk. ‘He can’t be serious’, I thought. Serious he was which left me with a very interesting way at looking at my personal preference very seriously. I had numerous conversations with my queer comrades under the query “What are the joys of same sex relationships?”

We all came up with the most obvious points…

For instance… when I first “came out”, rather, when I first accepted and acknowledged my sexual preference I was insanely happy that I would never again have to stick a penis in my mouth. Performing oral sex on a man was the worst thing about hetero-sex. I could go into why but let’s not and say I did. Not surprisingly, the thought of performing oral sex on a woman is precisely the thing that makes heterosexual women cringe.

Then there’s the fact that to me, women are softer; emotionally, mentally, physically. Their skin and lips are softer, their demeanor is softer, and their emotional and mental state of being is softer (generally). Sure, there are women that are lovingly referred to as “ball-busters” who give off this “Fuck-Off” vibe. However, as one who enjoys the company of women who qualify in these categories [as far as the male perception goes] I think these women are driven and determined and wonderfully soft and imaginative when not dealing with morons.

There’s the home-court advantage thing. Truth of the matter is…a female is more apt to know what a woman needs. Period! The same can be said for men. I mean, who would know how to fix your car better; a mechanic or the guy that built your car? Women can understand a woman’s needs. A woman can understand the effects of PMS and menstruation, giving birth, mammograms, hysterectomies, menopause, and of course-the sensitivity of the clitoris and the g-spot. Why? Because we all share these thoughts, issues, events and concerns. Even a woman who has never given birth would have a better understanding of the event than a guy. That’s just common sense. The fact that the whole world isn’t gay on this logic alone surprises me sometimes.

Here’s a fun advantage: looking for a little “bathroom break”? Not that sex in a stall is all that romantic, but sometimes, we all get those urges to just FUCK right then and there wherever we happen to be. Heterosexual couples have to choose a bathroom and pray they don’t get busted entering or exiting. How embarrassing! Two women walking into a bathroom and even into the same stall isn’t going to get nearly so many glances or hollers. Hee hee.

In a homosexual relationship between two women there’s never an argument about the toilet seat. I can call my partner and ask her to pick up tampons without thrusting her into a panic over having to be seen in public purchasing said articles. Some women can share clothing, shoes and personal effects such as the same flowery smelling soaps colognes and make-up. Chances are there are no embarrassing moments involving the contents of the bathroom trash-can.

The truth is that upon thinking about it, the real benefits were limited. By this I mean that most of the joy in my life comes from the people involved in my life, the things I do and who I am as a person—not the way I or they identify myself-themselves. I can be just as miserable in a relationship with a woman as a woman can be with a man. The real joy in being a lesbian is being comfortable enough with myself to know that being a lesbian doesn’t make me more or less deserving of love, affection, respect or the occasional thump upside the head.

This little article has given me the affirmation that being gay is really just a small part of who I am. (Thanks Steve!) The biggest obstacle is to accept it and me for what it is and who I am. Who I want to/choose to commit to, fornicate with, share my life with in an intimate way is only a part of the bigger picture. Though it does shape some of my life, in the grand scheme of things it’s just a summer rain falling into the depths of the sea. Makes you wonder what the big deal is, doesn’t it?




Kitty and her band have their new album out. It's called 'Chinese Democracy' is going to be one of the most sensible purchases you'll make regards buying music. I heard this beauty last year but when I saw Kitty in London last Saturday she had the finished product with her. I've played it a good few times now and this is truly a great piece of work. For the full review of this album please go here.



Violet is into Punk Rock and Feminism. A well cool lady and in this interview I ask her if she feels there are any contradictions between her modelling and being into feminism at the same time. In fact I ask her a few things and here's what Violet had to say:

SV: Hi Violet can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey, I'm Violet or Miss Eyes ( as i tend to get called a lot), I'm an alternative model or, as I tend to refer to myself as, as attention whore!

SV: How long have you been modelling?

I've been modelling on the alternative side of things for about 3 years now, I was first scouted in topshop many years ago and asked to do high fashion work which really doesn't appeal to me. I'm a huge fan of Bettie page and Dita VonTeese so I slowly edged towards that area of modelling and here i am today!

SV: I've checked out your photos on your site and they are beautiful shots so who were the lucky photographers?

Thank you. I've been lucky enough to work with some amazing photographers so far. Two of which I now class as close personal friends. The First photographer i worked with in the alternative scene actually only lives 15 minutes away from me and we meet up regularly for a gossip. The other photographer I have worked with is also one of my favorite alternative models too. She goes under the alias Beauty in darkness. Her modelling alias is Lucifera I'm hoping to do a shoot with her as Lucifera in the next few months.

SV: Being based in Lincoln does this cause you any problems with locating for shoots?

No Not really I'm happy hopping on and off trains. Ive had some of my most creative ideas while been sat at the trains stations waiting bored for delayed trains.

SV: I presume this is just a part time job for you?

At the moment yes, but I'm hoping to plunge into it full time over the next 6 months.

SV: At what age did you get in to Punk Rock and what were the bands that inspired you?

I was bought up in a household that listened to the Smiths U2 and the stranglers. I was into them until I was about 11 then I discovered Nirvana and Hole. Courtney Love became my idol over night and there on I discovered all the other bands such as Bikini Kill , Babes In Toyland etc etc and progressed into punkier stuff like the DK's and Rancid. I went to all the Vans warped tours when I was in my teens and will always remember blagging my way backstage after a Mad Caddies gig and hanging out with them and NUFAN - that's actually kills most of my friends who are all die hard Foo Fighters fans as Chris Schifflet left NUFAN and is now in The Foo's!. To be honest I think i have the most varied collection of music ever. I have everything from riot grrl through Madonna through to disturbed the Smiths and Gorilla Biscuits *lol* even a little Cyndi Lauper in there. I have had so much grief for a lot of the albums in my collection but punks an attitude and when you can be yourself and not care what anyone else thinks, then I'm my opinion you are punk as fuck!

SV: OK so you've posed nude which kinda goes against the Riot Grrl thing you're in to but I think it's fair to say you can be into both but do you get any criticism from feminists because of the your career choice?

Not really I never do anything distasteful or anything that goes against my feminist ethics. All my pictures show a woman as a strong character and, in my opinion, are arty. You'd never catch me doing the page three thing. To be honest I'm proud of my body I'm not a size 6 supermodel I'm a real woman with curves and i love showing them off. I adored Sophie Dahl when she was a size 16 but a lot of girls I have met feel they have to conform to the waif look to be accepted into society. I want to show them you can be just as beautiful with curves. Life's too short you know, if you want to eat chips then eat them!

SV: So what have been your favourite photo shoots so far?

My favorite shoots hmmm. that's a hard one. Ive worked with so many talented people and I always have fun when I'm in front of the camera.. can i cheat and say them all?????

SV: Outside modelling what do you get up to for fun?

I'm actually just starting up my own online shop at: shameless plug I know but it had to be done. I also play guitar ( yes I do have the sea foam green Fender Venus and a Jagstang in case you were wondering). I like shopping and just seeing my friends and family and having a good time. I tend to pick up and stray animals near me too,my home is like a zoo. Usually if i have music, chocolate and friends near me I'm happy.

SV: Anything you'd like to add?

"If they give you lined paper... write the other way!"
I read Alice Sebold's "the lovely bones" and that quote has stuck in my mind i love it.

Thanks to Violet for taking time out to do this interview. I think she comes across as a top person and has some well cool things to say. Cheers Violet.



"NEW YORK – kHz has begun to unveil its much anticipated album, Reality On A Finer Scale. The record is a journey through much of what’s been misplaced – musically, politically and socially – in this country since the dawn of the new millennium. This is a return to a time when smart lyrics and musical talent mattered more than the all-mighty dollar; and when reality TV sure as hell wasn’t a reality. kHz's music is highly original and groundbreaking - they combine the best of heavy rock music with the heart and emotion of pure melody. This is reality on a finer scale. Reality On A Finer Scale is more than just another heavy rock album. Here, big room tracks like “It’s Yours,” and “Let It Go,” are paired with the gorgeous melodies of “Broken (What Could Have Been,)” and the lush angelic soundscapes of “Alone.” The added bonus multimedia content contained on the disc should be viewed as an extension of the album, as should the recent re-launch of the band’s website These tools provide for the complete kHz experience. At the core of the kHz machine is the group’s singer, Raiana, and Pull, the multi-talented guitarist, keyboardist and programmer. Raiana has a persona much different from that of the ever present “teen female so – called rocker.” She’s the real thing: a burst of explosive energy that bleeds pure pain & honesty with a voice so angelic that you feel guilty about how she makes you feel. The talents of Pull are far reaching. He is responsible for kHz’s entire sound from conception through to the end of the mastering process. Beyond producing kHz, Pull is one of the most highly regarded remixers and sound designers in the business. He is frequently called on by top labels to remix work from some of the biggest artists in the world. His diverse cache of work includes remixes for Everything But The Girl, Shinedown, Brandy and Mindless Self Indulgence, just to name a few. Pull also provides original scores to VH1, MTV (including the entire “Driven” series) and Showtime. Even better live than on CD, kHz has received high marks across the country for its energetic live show. To date, kHz has appeared on stage with popular acts like, MDFMK, Hed (pe), DJ Starscream (sid from slipknot),Ampt, Gizmachi, Indexcase, The Creatures, Hooverphonic, Rasputina, Switchblade Symphony and Mindless Self Indulgence (to name a few)."

KHZ are one of the few bands that have blown me away this year. I really cannot recommend this band enough. I checked out their album earlier on this year and that review can be found here. On the basis of that brilliant album I ran an interview recently with KHZ and that can be found here



Black Velvet is the best magazine doing the rounds today - It has to be said Shari does a wicked job on every issue and I cannot recommend it enough. The love for Rock N Roll shows in this magazine and I for one am surprised this hasn't been picked up by a distributor and sold in the shops. Quality wise I can't complain and I'm glad that Shari dpes this magazine. She rocks big time. Check out the review of the latest issue here.



Hello Everyone!! I am Miss Molly Heartbreaker - Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train goin' anywhere- Ok so maybe that’s not me but you have to admit Journey’s pretty sweet…;-) Anyways, I am a 23 year old professional tease, model and dork- in no particular order- and I have been asked to write a column in this here newsletter…After driving myself nuts over what to write that could impress you all I figured I'd just take this time to introduce myself, maybe you can get a little idea on where I’m coming from…cause I certainly can’t..

The ABC’s of life (or at least according to Molly Heartbreaker)

A. is for Attitude – real simple don’t be a dick!
B. is for Bong rips, Beer and Boobies - life’s equation?
C. is for Coffee and Cheeseburgers – part of my nutritional diet.
D. is for DJ Alien- an old school friend, an underground hip-hop space hippy bringing u the future in musical sounds & technology. this dude knows his way around a turntable
E. is for Emo – this is a big “no-no” like talking to strangers, or sticking dirty needles in your eyes.
F. is for Friends – when all else fails you have your friends..dont ever forget your friends
G. is for Goth – WTF?! Can someone please tell me why everyone thinks I’m Goth?
H. is for Hypocrites – c’mon people practice what you preach…don’t say one thing and do another then get pissed at me when I call you on it…
I. is for Imagination – ahh! The key to my pants…use it!!!
J. is for Jack Daniels- mmm sweet sweet Jack…
K. is for Kitties – I have the cutest pussy!
L. is for Lubricant – everyone should have some, I don’t care how "great" you are…its wonderful stuff;-)
M. is for Modeling career – it seems nowadays every model has “odd” colored hair and is named after a medical disorder…so I decided if I want my career to go anywhere I’ll have to follow the crowd…Im thinking of going “grey” and renaming myself Alzheimer…hot right?
N. is for Naked – Everyone Naked! Oh wait, not you over there…
O. is for October 20th – my birthday, don’t forget it!
P. is for Phish – my favorite band in the whole wide world!
Q. is for Queen of Hearts – Miss Molly Heartbreaker herself;-)
R. is for Rhode Island - we may be the smallest state but we sure know how to tear shit up!
S. is for Sasquatch and the Sickabillies – straight outta RI, these guys (and gal) are ruthless, gritty, and hell-bent…sinning has never been so much fun!!!!
T. is for Toilet – as in I’m writing this on the toilet…hehe
U. is for Underpants – don’t need them, don’t wear them...except when I’m getting laid…get the hint ;-)
V. is for VD – no not Valentines Day – VD- clean your junk!
W. is for “Wanna make out?”
X. is for XXX- can’t really go wrong there can you?
Y. is for Your Mom – as in your mom subscribes to my website…;-)
Z. is for ZZZZZZ…like when I pass out on my all my friends couche.

And that concludes this lesson, I hope you all enjoyed yourself…By the way, I’m not going anywhere so you’d better get used to me…until we meet again…See you next time..:-)




If you're in Sydney/Australia check out this gig and this band.



I forgot how good these guys are live. I saw them in their early years at one of the Birmigham Punk Picnics and then there was this huge gap until 2006 when I saw them recently. That gig review can be found here.They're currently on tour in Europe and heading to America along with the Duel and Red Alert to play the 'Brit Invasion' festival. They've also got a few dates lined up out there too! After seeing them play live the other week I sent Tony an interview and that can be found here.



"Hi I'm Jezabel Propaganda and we are Renegade Burlesque. The UK's Burlesque terrorists! coming to a town near you soon...we are a group of six strong minded dangerous females, Sakura Tsui, Nikita Neckro, Vaudeville Ruin, Isis Matrix and Cleo Chaos, we mix traditional burlesque with a modern soundtrack and we have a damn good time doing it too!! It's great if people who want to come and see our fantastic, sexy, rock n roll piss up we call a show............but beware just because we take our clothes off doesn't mean we arent into feminism!"

Ok, so i've decided to lay my own views on the line. I've studied politcs for 5 years, and i'm sick of uptight puritans telling me that because of what i do i'm not a feminist! For me feminsim is NOT about trying to better or be the same as men-whats the point? the sexes have their differences biogologically and mentally for very good reasons. Now I'm not saying that women are less capable-because we are damn capable but when it comes to people critisizing me because i'm a burlesque performer I say-I am a woman and proud of it, does this mean i should dress like a man and hide my sexuality, because other people find it frightening? No I am going to express my sexuality and femininity whenever and where ever i want to, and if people are uncomfortable with that then its their problem not mine, and i think this makes me more of a feminist than anyone else.


Jezabel recently did an interview with 'Daily Jews' and this can be found here.



Drongo's For Europe put out the best Punk Rock album out in 2005 and just recently I caughted up with bassist 'Dek' for an interview. This is what he had to say here.



I could go on about some politically correct diatribe- but Im not. Naw, Im going to talk about something that really gets me pissed. People who buy nice cars( Porsche, Audi, BMW etc.) and don’t drive them. I mean they drive them, but they drive them like a 72 Pinto. Merging onto the freeway doing 35 miles an hour. What’s the point? Status? That’s pathetic. The desperation to be noticed, accepted? Driving a car beyond your means- and Im not talking financially here- Im talking about the ability to drive that damn car. Who in their right mind, is going to spend over 45K and drive it like an old lady? Get a fucking Volvo then, it’s a nice car yes, and safe! At least you can say you bought this one because it was so safe.

And what’s up with Honda owners taking two parking spaces in a lot? You just know it belongs to some damn kid, its his first car, and doesn’t understand the beauty and comfort of the first ding, the first scratch.............Whew, .no more worrying about that anymore!

I personally just bought a car as well. Mine caught fire in the parking at work..........Yes my new nickname is “Fire Starter” was a 1989 Ford Bronco II. I loved that damn truck. We’ve been through so many break ups together. Happy times, good times- it’s the car that would never die. No matter what. It finally just killed itself right in front of me. So it’s new car shopping for me - something I simply loathe. I detest sales people- really- leave me the fuck alone- I will get you when Im ready- and not one minute before. How can you help me? You know what Im looking for? I don’t even know what Im looking for- but Im sure if I find it, I’ll let you know. Then you get hit up by another snake. “Sorry snake number 2, I already have snake number one on stand by”

I dealt with the Fleet Manger, he made it painless and I drove off the lot in an hour and a half. My son recently spent 4 hours at freakin Toyota. Not me, I have the attention span of a gold fish. And I’d be bouncing around doin the fish on the ground out of sheer boredom. Have an ambulance save me from retail car hell. Red light it outta there with a thorazine drip.




"About me....hmm...I am an Account Exec. for the hottest new indie music zine on the planet, Hyperactive Music Magazine. Check it out at the above link. I am the Director of Operations at the Public Access Media Center in Albuquerque, which, if I have my way will become the most kick ass access center in the country. I hope to encourage indie/unsigned musicians to start using DIY TV as a medium for promotion and getting there name OUT There. This is free media. Why isn't everyone using it??? I live in Albuquerque, NM where I am a wife and mommy, among other things. I love life, music, all the techie stuff like sound and production, seeing young musicians succeed, drinking good wine and good vodka, and helping encourage people to get what they want out of life. Cuz after all....Life is too short. You gotta live like it might be your last day. I'd like to be a zillionaire by the time I'm 50. Then I could help all the organizations I've cared about or been affiliated with in the past. Or at least be able to pay the bills, and have a great car too. I hope to see Peace on Earth before I die. NO WAR! The lamb sleeping with the lion. Or maybe the Palestianian sleeping with the Jew.




I came across Punk Pussy through Mysti Gayle and checked out the site which looks pretty cool. There’s some great Punk Rock Models on there so I decided to run an interview with the lady who runs it – LIL. Here’s what she had to say.

SV: First off how come you set up Punk Pussy.Com in the first place?

My husband (big papa) started the site before I met him in 1998. He loves porn and he’s been into punk since his early teens which was in the early 1980's. He had never seen a punk porn site before and thought it would serve the punk public well, as he himself was excited about the whole bit. It was very successful in its early years.

SV: How long has the site been running and what kind of hits do you get?

Content and the name was purchased in 1998, the site however was not running until 1999. The daily average according to my server is 25-50 thousand hits.

SV: Have you any limits to what a model can do on your site?

Absolutely not. The model however, has to be 100% nude in a few shots at least, otherwise it wouldn’t be a porn site. I tell them to represent themselves in a manner that is comfortable to them, and how they would like to express themselves. I don’t have any restrictions beyond the basic law.

SV: Do you get any grief off feminists and the Punk Rock PC brigade because of your site?

I never had any grief, only angry girls demanding they are prettier than some of my models... but they don’t want to show their tits!

SV: How do you usually find the models that are featured on your site?

They email me, I get plenty of requests.

SV: So what are your favourite set of pictures you've enjoyed the most on your site?

Currently, Mysti Gayle. She is one of the sites newest models. She takes provocative pictures and has a sweet body.

I agree Mysti is in a class of her own.

SV: Have you any plans to expand your site in 2006?

I do plan on adding more models, and more sets of current models. but I want to keep it a simple punk porn site. boobs and puss in punk variety are the main goal.

SV: Apart from the site what do you do in your spare time? Do you like to drink and hang out at shows?

My spare time is the site, I work a retail management job, 40 plus hours a week. I take the dogs to the dog park... And if I’m lucky I’ll have enough time to see a show once and a while. I drink a lot of monster energy drinks and when I’m out I love a nice cold Sailor Jerry and Coke... Or... Yager Bombs.

SV: With Bush and the Christians getting more moral every day can you see a time when sites like yours will be banned by your Govt?

Never. The Christians don’t scare me, 12 live next door. And bush scares me but with everyone being on trial right now i know there’s at least a few out there that won’t let this shit get any worse. Porn makes a lot of people filthy rich like Larry Flint, I will let them battle for me with my full support.

SV: Anything you'd like to add?

Some may wonder why my husband put the site in my hands? I went to school for art and learned photo shop skills. I helped him out on numerous occasions, and maintained it for him because he takes a lot of business trips. When the site started to slump in 2001/2002 (wow competitors can kill ya) and he didn’t have time for it as he became more successful in his first occupation, he reluctantly handed me the keys as a part time jig and I took over. When the keeper switched from male to female I got more model responses but unfortunately... We never got our hits and member numbers back from 1999/2000 before the mainstream punk nudie sites took over the porn industry. We don’t make the numbers but we do make just enough to keep the site up and running, for the fun of it. It’s our way of expressing our freedoms.

Thanks to Lil for doing the interview and getting it back so quick. If you like Nude alternative women this is the site to check out!



However much feminists from Working Class backgrounds dream and work towards total equality with their male counterparts this is never going to happen.


The system we live under needs to be town apart and something new put in it's place. Anarchism? Marxism? Depends who's terminology you refer to but one thing is for sure many are in agreement that the roles in society for men and woman still stem from old biblical values which are centuries old.

The capitalist system for centuries has maintained the biblical teachings to keep both men and women down. And if you're Gay/Lesbian or Atheist you're fucked over even more! The power of capitalism is strong as it ever was simply because it has religion as its major weapon and despite church attendance figures dropping year by year it still don't mean people don't believe! Religion is still a powerful weapon.

Destroy The Capitalist system and everything that props it up then we can start to move on as work towards a society based equality for the working class whether that person be male, female, black, white, young or old.

Taking the system out is still along way off but there are things we can change under capitalism but only if we stand firm.

There's issues which generally could be looked at like:

1. Equal Pay and Roles in the work place.

2. Equal time off for males and females on maternity leave.

3. Religion removed from schools and children taught equal roles in life from day one.

4. Sex education taught that the responsibility lies with both males and females equally.

Just looking at those issues could see us living a better life.

I would like to see this nonsense of different changing rooms and public toilets etc for both males and females. It's like we're hidden away from other because it's deemed bad to see a naked or semi naked body of the opposite sex unless you're in a marital role. I think these uptight attitudes towards the human body are a major player in keeping us divided.

I would also like to see people be able to strip naked on beaches and public areas if they wish to do so. How many times have you been to these places and people wanting to strip but can't without the wrath of prosecution and deemed a pervert? Some clothes which people wear in the summer months barely cover so what's the point?

Being comfortable with our own sexuality is something we need to get to grips with otherwise whatever society we live in there will always be differences between males and females.

Sexism has been with us since day one on Planet Earth and we need to get over our own inhibitions first and that means a lot of change towards how we currently live.

Are you brave enough?

I am.




I'll be in Houston (from March 02nd til' March 06th).

I'm planning on attending the TEXAS LATEX PARTY in Houston, TX (

In Addition, I'll be available for: Sessioning and Photo Shoots.

slaves: Interviews, Reviews, Contact Number, Session Info, Photos, etc., are located on My site:

Photographers: I'm available for Nude, Glamour or Fetish Photo Shoots. My resume is located on My website (listed above) OR on Model Mayhem:

Inquiries:E-Mail Me, here:




I'd never heard of these until from Fabulous Disaster mentioned she was in them. They're a cool bunch of ladies and I'm pretty sure you'll agree after reading this interview.


WEB [as in: World Wide Web] - LOGS [as in: diary, journal, captain's log of events, thoughts, ideas etc...] a hyphenated phrase twisted-as is our fashion- into it's own ubiquitous existence [in the form of a contraction] into a word that is fast-becoming synonymous with virtual reality which conveniently is associated with internet dependancy . A state in which, any creature with access to and the barest of knowledge of a computer can become a writer--whether good, bad or ugly.

If the great literary minds of our history could see us now I wonder what they'd say. I excitedly invision them reacting in much the same way a postal worker who's put in a few too-many hours, for a few too-many years. In our heroes would march with their loaded semi-automatic weapons and just start shooting. 'Fuck it all', they'd say. "You bastards don't know the first thing about struggling, about writing so...BLOG THIS, BITCH!

Hahahahaha... The thought of Emily Dickenson holding a machine gun and uttering this phrase sends me into roaring fits of laughter, not just because of the silliness of the pristine handsome-ness of the woman and the militaristic coldness of such a weapon but at the absurdity in the fact that our society in general deserves it!

We've commended these great minds for their bravery in telling such fantastical stories and condemned them for boring us to tears with their numerous pages concerning one blade of grass. Now, after years of reading classics written by someone whose writing was their own sustainence we'd rather read the rantings of a shunned prom queen vowing that prince charming showed up wearing the wrong designer jacket [and good lord, didn't rent a limo for such an occasion, got drunk in the bathroom with his buddies before sweeping her off to a hotel room; where she demurely insists on feigning virtue but Johnny already told Joey about that night beneath the glow of a street light when she blew him into next friggin semester].

After all, now everyone is a writer. We can all write our own anecdotes, stories and comic relief bits. Pretty soon, printing presses will become obsolete. Who needs pages when we have screens on which information streams to us with rapidly increasing swiftness. We can now have a pen-pal or partner in any country in the world. We can send a picture to Austria with the click of a button. Wow, imagine the mail order Bride schemes nowadays...oh wait...friend imagination needed. Fuck actually having to do anything like go outside and play, meet someone by chance on a street corner and invest a dollar in a cup of coffee in some seedy diner listening to elevator music from the seventies while enjoying real-life conversation. I have an instant messenger now!

Wanna know how I'm feeling...fuck it...just read my blog, I'm too tired from not talking to talk with you right now.

The point is folks, that the computer cannot, nor should it, take the place of real, live conversation with those you care about or those you may someday care about. If anything, the Internet should be considered a means in which we can connect with others that otherwise we would be unable to do. Using the computer as the primary means of communication with folks you could just as easily have contact with…is well, bollocks. As for creative writing…well, your blogs may reach a lot of viewers but they aren’t immortal. Let’s remember that some things are best read in print. Talk to your friends and give your readers something to hold.




I really rate this texas outfit - They play great Punk Rock N Roll with balls. I just interviewed Linette and this is what she had to say.



Adam Evil & The Outside Royalty are moving to the UK from the USA later this year and sent me a copy of their album to have a listen to, I really rated their album as they have some cool influences like T-REX, 70'S Bowie and some of the Jam thrown in for good measure. After checking out their album an interview was in order and this is what was said.



Red Alert were my fave Street Punk band in the 80's. To me their debut album 'We've Got The Power' was well wicked and I still play it to this day when I get the old vinyl out. They'll be doing a few gigs in the USA with the Duel and they'll also be playing the 'Brit Invasion' gig put on by SOS Records. These guys are a really good band to look out for and you'd be dumb fucks not to check them out. Oh and a warning to you - If you do go and see them live don't get in to a drinking competion with them:-)

Recently they released the 'Take No Prisoners' DVD through Cherry Red Records which is the nuts. The review of that DVD can be found here.

Not forgetting their 'Blazin' Thru The Years' Compilation CD which was released through SOS. The review can be found here.



If you're heading off to a gig here's some rules you must follow:

1. Never pay on the door if you can get away with it. Tell the person on the door you're in a band or get some one to squeeze you through the toilet window!

2. When the support band plays and no matter how much you think they're the best thing since sliced bread. You must NOT show any support. Remember you're for the main band ONLY.

3. If you see a person selling fanzines don't buy them! Remember that £1/$2 could buy you another drink. If they mistakenly ask you twice just tell them to 'Piss Off'.

4. At the end of the night you must steal part of the bands equipment to show all your buddies the next day you've got something special no matter how much it costs the band to replace it!

5. Don't forget to drink plenty so you can spit at the bands.

Following these 5 simple rules will show the world what a complete and utter tosser you are but hey at least you can call yourself a Punk!




I came across Delerium when flicking through Molly Heartbreaker’s My Space page. After checking out some of her photos and realising this lady has plenty of potential I decided to check her out. Here’s what she had to say!

SV: Ok so you're new to modelling so what made you get in to it at the age of 27?

I never really had much interest in becoming a model. I actually had 2 photographers in one week email me asking me if I would like to model for them. I figured this could be an interesting experience and scheduled a couple of photo shoots.

SV: From the photos I've seen so far it seems you're in to the fetish scene but are you going to vary what you do regards modelling wise?

I am into the fetish scene, and would like to do more with that. I would also like experience of doing other types of modelling as well. I really want to do some pinup type shoots as well of some glamour ones. I'm very open minded right now about what kind of modelling I will partake in until I figure out exactly what I'm most enthusiastic about.

SV: Are you going to do much full frontal work and if so will it bother you getting undressed for the cameras?

I would like to do more nude work. I have always enjoyed showing off my body in states of undress. As long as I'm comfortable with the photographer it won't bother me in the least.

SV: You've yet to complete a portfolio so are you looking at completion in 2006 or are you just going to take your time and see what comes along?

I don't think that a portfolio can ever really be complete. You need to change it all the time. I would like to have a respectable one that I'm proud to show within the next couple of months.

SV: I thought your photos wrestling in fake blood with just a thong on were well cool. It looked as if you were having a great time so is the kind of thing you do for fun?

That was a very interesting night for me. Those were taken at a club on a fetish night that a friend of mine was hosting for a Halloween theme. Originally I wasn't going to be one of the girls wrestling in the blood bath, but, someone didn't show up. They asked me if I would like to do it and I said yes. It was a blast. If I could do it every night I would.

SV: So how does one get to wrestle with you in a pool full of gunge?

Since that was just luck that I got to do it at all, I would have to say really don't know. Set it up, invite me, and see if you can pin me?!!

You’ve got a date!

SV: You're very photogenic and have a gorgeous figure so why wait to so long to become a model?

It never really occurred to me that I should become a model until about 2 months ago. I wish I would have done this earlier. It's been one of the best experiences so far.

SV: I'd love to see you do a shoot with Molly Heartbreaker and being as you two are friends can we see this happening?

Me and her have briefly talked about doing a shoot together. Hopefully this will happen in the near future. She is an amazing model, and I'm sure I could learn a lot from doing a shoot with her. Molly is also one of the sweetest girls that I have ever met.

SV: When can we see a website from you on line?

If all goes well, there should be a website from me online within the next few months.

Thanks to Delerium for doing the interview. Be sure to take a look and see what she is about! You night just enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!



I really rated Penetration since the late 70's when I got their debut album 'Moving Targets' and along with X-Ray Spex, Blondie and the Runaways were the first female fronted bands I listened too! It was a pleasure almost 20 years later to get their 'Re-Animated' DVD through the post. The review of this wicked DVD can be found here. On the basis of this DVD I contacted Penetration for an interview and Pauline Murray(Vocals) duly answered the questions I sent her. This interview can be found here.



2003 saw The Jacknives drag themselves outta’ the swamps of Perth with a six-string blood lust of apocalyptic proportions. Ordained to spread the guitar gospel to their fellow countrymen, The Jacknives have been converting rock n roll heathens ever since. Sanctifying stages across Perth with their dynamite live shows, The Jacknives concocted just the right mix of rock and heart-breakin attitude to secure them support slots with The Horrorpops, Mach Pelican and The Tremors. Their first double A-Side single featuring “Cross My Heart” & “She Don’t Need Lipstick” has enjoyed local success, including airplay on RTRFM and lead to a special jam session with The Donnas at Sydney’s 2005 Big Day Out. The Jacknives infectious, punkobilly-meets-Elvira sideshow is a spectacle not to be missed. On the eve of their debut album release, The Jacknives are raring to unleash their moonshine-madness and voodoo-stompin beats upon the aurally unbaptised.

The Jacknives debut album 'Jacknife Inn' is well wicked and the review can be found here. I also had the pleasure of interviewing them and that can be found here.



It's always a pleasure interviewing Share from Bubble and it's cool that she has another project on the go with partner Bam. This new project is Rock N Roll TV and to find out more about it then please go here for the latest interview with Share.



Rebel Girl originally started out as the band 'Sugar' but after a huge falling out with the vocalist they've decided to carry on. Now a 3 piece band they will have an album out soon. I recently did an interview with them and this is what they said here.



I came across Lorie when on a huge advertising campaign across the net and on seeing an advert she sent me an email. After checking out her My Space page and realising she is more than just a model I decided to drop Lorie an interview. Here's what she had to say.

SV: Hi Lorie can you introduce yourself to the world?

How so? Do you mean a bio, if so I’m a freelance photographer, I’m modelling as a way to learn and to make enough money to buy a better camera and what not. There are very few things I love in life, photography being one of those things and reading being another, Ayn Rand is my hero, I love bad punk rock.

SV: At what age did you want to become a model?

As i said before modelling is a second interest to me, a means to an end. So I suppose very recently.

SV: When you do nudes they're pin up so at what age did you first pose naked for a camera?

Honestly? Well I was 16 but seeing as that’s the kind of stuff that can get me in to trouble lets pretend I didn’t say that.

You wont get in trouble here:-)

SV: So what sites/agencies have you modelled for so far?


SV: Is this going to be a full time career for you or is it for helping you pay your way through education?

I suppose you could consider it education.

SV: Have a you a website of your own and if so have you a link?

No I’m sorry.

SV: Would you ever consider doing pornographic work?

If by pornographic you mean run of the mill spread eagle stuff maybe but the relationship I am in right now does not allow for it.

SV: Outside modelling what do you do for fun?

I read anything I can get my hands on, I’m working my way through "The Complete Works Of Kafka" right now, I troll forums, and photograph anyone I can get my hands on.

SV: At 19 you're fairly young so where do you see yourself in say 5 years time. What would you like to have achieved?

I would like to be a history teacher. No kids and perhaps a spouse.

SV: Anything you'd like to add?

I really love that you made this interview personal, I would like to thank you for that.

Thanks for the interview and thanks for your kind words. I try and make every interview a little different so yes you can say they are tailor made for the individual. Anyone who is in the NC and wants some photography work done get in contact with this lady.


Despite many claims that fascism is no longer a threat I have to disagree. In Europe and America they are still as organised as ever and are still finding plenty of recruits who are looking to others to blame for their problems rather than facing the real issues. In recent times they have been as cheeky as ever. However in the UK there was a time when everytime they reared their ugly heads they were challenged by a broad based organisation called 'ANTI FASCIST ACTION' and it's dangerous times like today where AFA is badly needed. Not just in the UK but in the rest of Europe and America too! Last year I talked to Dave Hann and Steve Tilzey about their book 'No Retreat' which is about the history of Anti Fascist Action and this is what they had to say



Why Vote? Because whatever Government gets elected the working class get shafted. What is worrying though is the amount of people from within our scene who've forgotten their roots and talk about politicians as long lost friends on message boards etc. Now forgive me for asking but why would anyone want to take part in a corrupt voting system that has seen us fucked over for hundreds of years? Have people not learned from the mistakes of the past? Have they not learned anything at all?

There is more to putting your cross on a ballet paper every four years – There's many alternatives out there to our present system and all worth checking out. What it means though is getting up off your arse and having a look, which for many is just too much! Much rather they'd listen to the same old bullshit that is thrown at us every time the parasites want our votes.

Some say that if you don't use your vote then you shouldn't have a say – What nonsense! Why should I vote for something that I know is corrupt and full of shit? Why should I vote for political parties that I have nothing but contempt and revulsion for? Just think if no one turned up and voted on Election Day? Just think of the concern that would cause the powers that be?

What is needed in working class areas worldwide is a decent health service, a decent public transport system, decent education, cleaner hospitals, better care for the elderly and the homeless amongst other things but do the political parties champion any of these problems? Do they fuck! They tell you they do but once they're elected all those election promises come to nothing. How dare these people in power take huge pay packets and live in expensive homes while people die in hospitals because of MRSA? While the homeless have no hope? While young people have to go in to huge amounts of debt to go on to further education? While the elderly go cold and hungry in winter etc. The list goes on.

It's about time we stopped thinking of ourselves and the little picture around us as individuals. Instead we should be thinking of others and how they are affected. There is a much larger picture out there to be considered instead of just thinking about our own selfish reasons. Punk Rock was a wake up call to all the nonsense at the time and challenged what was wrong and them same values we should be looking at now instead of whinging over three political parties which basically have the same agenda.

Let us see us getting back to our roots and begin to challenge again. Only by challenging can you ever change the system.

Think on It!





Acid Candy and I bumped into each other on the net and after cgeking out her wicked site this is one woman who had to be featured in Punk Globe. Nuff Said! Here's what Acid Candy had to say for herself.

SV: First off how did you come up with the name Acid Candy?

Corruption of today's society..the young people are given the sweet things in life in stead of having to earn them (the candy part) because of this its corrupting them into thinking they can have everything and nothing has value or meaning or morals (the acid part)

SV: You started modelling at the age of 19 so what inspired you to get in to it?

I wanted to learn more about photography. I figured if I got into modeling I could learn from the photographers I've worked with and so far I've learned a lot

SV: I notice you've had children so did this cause any problems when it came to modeling or have you done some cool shots like Demi Moore did when she was pregnant?

Actually yes.. the photo you picked for your page is from one of my maternity shoots lol. Having kids doesn't interfere with my work. sometimes I even bring them to shoots. My oldest is got into child modeling and pageants.

Ha! Yeah I forgot I put that picture in my profile space:-)

Punk Globe: You've worked with a fair few people but what has been your favourite shoot so far?

Shooting in the haunted Lemp Brewery in St Louis. I have a thing for shooting in odd, abandoned, haunted, places. I've also shot inside of an abandoned mental institution..that was cool too.

SV: I know you have limits when doing photography so have you had any photographers try and push those limits?

That's the thing with photographers.. if they are good they will ask you what you are willing to do BEFORE shooting you. That way they can get photo ideas worked out ahead of time. Sometimes you will get a sleaze ball or two try to get you to do things you aren't comfortable. When that happens..paid or not.. I automatically leave the set. Thankfully that has only happened to me once.

SV: You're in to the Goth scene so what are your fave bands?

I have a shitload of bands I like. HIM, Otep, Poison the well, Lamb of God, Lacuna Coil, Marylin Manson, ect. My all time favorite when it comes to music is Rob Zombie.. I'm a huge fan of all his en devours.

SV: Acid Candy You're also an artist so what do you like to do most draw or paint?

I draw portraits a lot. Mainly of my children. Sometimes other people. I don't really have a lot of my work online because I don't have time to scan them all and get them up.

SV: So how do you manage to fit in the time for modelling, the web site designing and bringing up kids?

LOL not much of a problem really. I love my kids, they come first. I do these things on the side. My husband helps out a lot too.

SV: When you have spare time what do you like to do with yourself?

That is usually when i do shoots, or web design..

SV: Anything you'd like to add?

I plan on someday ruling the world!

And who says Goths don't have a sense of humour? Thanks to Acid Candy for taking time out to do the interview. You want to check this lady out - She has some great pictures and her site is very informative.



Despite Chrissy being a commercial artist I've featured her because unlike many commercial artists this lady is the real deal. A total genuine lady and not only that but I like her tunes. If you like Power Pop you ought to give Chrissy a listen - Just recently I was sent a disc and you can read what I thought about it here. On the strength of the music she sent I sent Chrissy an interview and that can be seen here.



I've been a huge Alarm fan since I heard their debut single 'Unsafe Building' around 1981. They continued to impress me until the day the split in the 90's. Mike Peters(Vocals/Guitar) embarked on a solo career but what the fans really wanted was the Alarm back. However the other 3 original members didn't want to reform so Mike got hold of various musicians and the current line up is:

Mike Peters - James Stevenson - Craig Adams - Steve Grantley

They have just released the wicked album 'Under Attack' and the review of this gem can be found here.

Due to Mike Peters receiving treatment for a form of Cancer they are currently only gigging on saturdays. This tour has been called the 'Saturday Tour' and the final dates are:

MAR 25th LONDON Islington Academy
APR 29th GLASGOW Academy



So many female artists seem to be taking up acoustic music but there's none as good as Irene Rae. I caught up with her recently for an interview and this can be viewed here.


Please keep sending in your releases or press packs for review on FFRUK and If I really like there's a guaranteed interview. Contact addy is:


PLEASE PASS ON! For those not in the know how to pass on please reply to this bulletin then cut and paste in to your own bulletin space then post. Your support is much appreciated.

"Street Voice is a voice of Independent music and alternative lifestyles. We make no apologies if this publication offends fascists, homophobes and other bigots. Because Street Voice is made up of Individuals who's opinions may differ from time to time we'd like to point out that we're individuals who accept that in life that people do actually have differing opinions to the ones we hold"


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