The Street Voice newsletter is an independent and free production!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
February Edition, 2006

Steve DIY Profile/Punk Globe Profile/Kerri Taylor Profile
So, the month of February is upon us. That means we've already lived through the first month of the "New Year". How are those resolutions holding up? For those of you going strong, I say "Cheers" and "Congrats". To those of you who've already given up the ghost, well, better luck next year.
I had a couple of pet projects that I had hoped to have completed by this issue, tragically, scheduling conflicts and a bit of a rough period have left them lacking and so, I hope to offer them up to you, dear reader, by the next edition.
My most hated Holiday is just around the corner. Ugh. How I despise the day of St. Valentine. I mean, I'm all for the history of the day. The man was martyred for doing what he believed to be right and so on. However, it's the modern usage of the day that greatly offends me.
While Hallmark, Florists, Restaurants and Taverns, Jewelers and Box Office's alike make a ton of capital from this horrid event, thousands upon thousands of others are ridiculed and reviled and made to feel worthless for not celebrating in this ridiculous tradition. Many a single person sits alone or in groups of other single persons feeling tragically left out of the events of the day. Society as a whole feeds off of both sides like a parasite. It's disgusting. Perhaps this is more a trait of the good ole USA. One can hope!
Still, people give it the attention these commercialist bastards want and hey, who am I to really argue with tradition. However, I have a wonderful suggestion to those of you that celebrate this travesty of a holiday.
Instead of buying chocolates and flowers, spending all that money on expensive dinners and entertainment, not to mention the thousands spent on "presents", why not give your partner a gift of charity? Make dinner at home, it's much more private anyhow, and contribute a donation to your partners favorite cause in their name. You could even ask them to do the same. You'll have the added bonus of doing something great to go along with your date.
Rock On!

Squeaky the awesome guitarist and hottie from FABULOUS DISASTER is one hell of a cool person and when news got to me that her first band 'Girlush Figure' were coming out of a 3 year hiatus I dropped her a line regards an interview. This is what Squeaky had to say on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

"Folter is a clothing line for dark & disorderly chicks. We carry corset beaters, vulgar tees, sexy undies, bondage minis, etc."
I like what Agnes is doing with 'Folter' and it's cool that some one is offering alternative clothing at reasonable prices. Be sure to check out the Folter Clothing site. Anyway this is what Agnes had to say on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.
For those in the UK/Europe I am having catalogues and order forms sent to me to distribute around shops etc etc. If you would like to see a catalogue please email me at Thanks.

I dropped bassist Paul Hoddy an email a while back in regards an interview and here it is. This interview can be viewed at FFRUK. There you'll find out what they're up to at present.

I only got this fanzine 3 hours ago and believe me this fucking rocks. This is my review:
"To say I was impressed when I got this through the post today is an understatement. For a £1/$4 this is well worth hunting down as this is a well put together fanzine with some excellent bands, reviews and other information in it. On the cover the fanzines says it´s in to Glam, Sleaze, Punk, Goth and Rock N Roll and that´s what Bubblegum Slut is all about. With bands featured like Nashville Pussy, Queen Adreena, Brides Of Destruction, Shotgun Messiah and the Quireboys to name but a few you really can´t go wrong with this fanzine. It´s also got a got a little furry heart on the cover. I love this fucker!" (FFRUK)

Molly has become a regular feature on Street Voice mainly because she's as cool as fuck. From next month when Molly gets her computer sorted I'll be asking her to do a column on what she's been getting up to in every day life and her career as a model. Here's want Molly has been up to recently.
THE BIG BAD SWIM(4 Act Films): The lead character has a second job as an exotic dancer and I can be seen dancing on the stage in the background during that scene. I actually had to teach the 2 actresses how to work the stage.
KINKY KONG(Seduction Cinemas): I play the "native girl." I have one line in this film but its nonsense speak (I am a native) and a few sex scenes and one stripping sequence.
PLAYBOY TV/ SEXCETERA: I did 2 sex scenes for this show and 1 dance sequence. I was also interviewed on New England girls and the sex scene out here.
VAMPIRE VOYEUR(Seduction Cinemas): In this movie I actually have a speaking role, my first one ever! I play Dr. Vedder, a pshchologist. I also have one sex scene and one dance sequence.
MY GIRLFREIND'S ABROAD(Single Serving Films)
In this movie I play the "naked girl" I basically walk through scenes and no one notices because I guess its normal for her. I shot this film with some Brown College students, I had a blast, I hope it works out for them!

Red Alert have been busy with a DVD released through Cherry Red. For a review of that please go HERE. They also have a 'Best Of..' package released through SOS records. Please check HERE for the review.
Vermont Judge Upholds Sixty-Day Sentence in Child Molestation Case.
I sat down to write an extensive article regarding President Bushs lack of brainpower. That was my very best intent. Then, while perusing the news getting media attention, I came across the steep criticism of Vermont Judge, Edward Cashmans, leniency towards a man who confessed to at least three acts of sexual abuse involving a pre-pubescent girl.
The victim: a 6 year old girl at the beginning of the abuse, now ten. The perpetrator: A family friend of the victim, who confesses to oral-genital and genital fondling actions with the girl on at least three occasions over four years. Cashman, with 20 years on the bench and quite an impressively stern record stands by his decision citing that "Sentencing is not the end of a problem," he wrote. "It should be the start of a solution." He clarifies that the offender had the emotional maturity of a 12- to 14-year old and didn't understand why others were so upset by his actions.
As a sort of side-note and equally as hair-raising, I would like to point out the fact that all of this might have been prevented before the child had come into harm had her parents had a better attitude towards the situation. When the parents were consulted about the claims they gave statements that, not only did they KNOW the defendant was interested in the little girl but they were also aware of him sleeping in the same bed as the child. Being a family friend is one thing. Sleeping in my childs bed is quite another. Why did these parents turn what seems to be a blindeye to the situation. Why was the offender allowed near the child if the parents were aware of an interest in the child? I am sincerely hoping that the statements I found from the parents were sorely misinterpreted by the media.
Okay, so Im in agreement with the Judge that a mentally or emotionally unstable predator needs more than a jail cell to make any sort of rehabilitation possible. The problem is, of all the research Ive done on this case, I havent found a single note suggesting that the Judge attached a clear demand for the defendant to seek the professional help he needs. If the sentence was meant as a means for the offender to get help, why havent I heard about the insistence by the court for this man to do precisely that?
Judge Cashmans decision was particularly based on the fact that the state of Vermont doesnt have many laws directed at this particular type of criminal. The small rehabilitation group available to the state also admitted that treating the accused man would be impossible while in prison. Does this make sense? Why? In a lot of ways, I almost feel as though the laws as they stand are designed to let a Judge or Jury take the fall for any mishaps that may occur from these cases.
Ultimately, whether obtaining rehab is an issue or not, 60 days simply isnt enough for a crime as heinous as the sexual exploitation of a six year old. The man is sick and needs help. Fine! That childs innocence is still worth more than 60 days confinement. I mean, really?! Sixty days is the equivalent of smacking the guys hand and saying, Now, dont you go molesting little girls anymore. It doesnt work with children and it certainly isnt going to work with a grown man; no matter how immature he is.
That said, no matter how much I agree with the judges sentiment that curing the 'disease' in the offender is priority .. One, I am also of the opinion that the man should still serve more than the petty sentence he's been given. A certain level of atonement (for lack of a better word) should still be served and I think sixty days is rather insulting. Who's looking out for the child in all of this? Certainly not the defendent, it appears the parents aren't. Then, at the judicial level, the victims hardships, are demeaned once more. Further insisting a long standing notion that legal system cares more for the defendants than they do for the victims.
This man has potentially ruined-no, not potentially-he has ruined at least, parts of this childs past, present and future life. The damage he's inflicted with his perversion will be with this girl forever. Besides, the sad truth of the matter is, rehabilitation of sexual predators has a practically non-existent success rate even worse is the knowledge that they roam our streets freely seeking out their next victims long before the victim has recovered from it.
In spite of public outcry and harsh judgments from politicians, media reps and judges alike from all sides of the spectrum, Judge Cashman stands by his decision. "I am aware that the intensity of some public criticism may shorten my judicial career, to change my decision now, however, simply because of some negative sentiment, would be wrong.
"I owe it to the judiciary and to my own conscience to maintain a stand that I believe is the best possible option in a very difficult situation."

Starlet Suicide were one of the better European bands I had the pleasure of hearing in 2005. They are based in Sweden though I'd really love them to make the treck across the North Sea and play in the UK. I caught up with Jennyfer the vocalist and here's what she had to say to FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

Lucifera is a London based model and has doing some pretty cool work. Just check out her site - It's well hot. Anyway I caught up with Lucifera and here's what she had to PUNK GLOBE.


I've given these guys a bit of flak over the years regards what bands they've played with and what labels they've been on. When you're young you are naive and it's great to see that Crashed Out had moved on. They are one of Britains best Street Punk bands that Britain has to offer. Check out what Chris the vocalist had to say on behalf of the band to FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

Who says Punk and Porn can't mix? Well City Kittie for starters and after checking this newish site out I dropped Harlot an interview regards this project. Here's what she had to say to PUNK GLOBE.

Thunk Records is a great D.I.Y. label ran by Fish of the Skeptix/Section 5. Also ex member of Punk legends 'Discharge'. He only started it in 2005 and it's future is looking bright with some great releases planned. Check out what Fish had to say for himself, The interview can be found at both FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

Fraulein Lilith is a European model currently based in London and I came across her by accident on the net. She comes across as great fun and her work is fantastic. Here's what she had to say to PUNK GLOBE.
Fast Food Jesus- Hold the commandments.
Im not a big fan of God. Never have been. Ive always had too many unanwered questions and I never fully believed he is filled with so much love amist all this hate. My first clear recollection of God was when I was 6. My father coming home from work, grabbing my sister and I, crying and damning God for taking his wife, my Mother. 6 years later it was me cursing God- for taking my father as well. I was 12. Then at 18, every 6 years- he take my one of my best friends.
I went to Germany for 2 years after his death. I toured Dachau. It was the singular most important part of my childhood. And a rude awakening. Religion kills. It killed more than my parents and my friends.
I would rather feel as if it were my karma in a past life that has destined me to the misforune thats befallen me now. Rather than believe this all loving ,encompassing forgiving being had subjected me to all this death. I am more comfortable believeing that if I am to achieve a certain nirvana, its up to me, to be a better person, to be more aware, more compassionate. At least it was my destiny, and not someone doing it to me for a certain vulgar form of preverse entertainment. Not a lesson to be learned- at 6 what was the point?
A friend described not having Jesus in your heart, was like living as a donut. You could be sweet, charming and caring- but there would always be a hole.............a void..........something would always be missing.Yes, I am friends with God fearing people as well........I believe if you're truly convicted, I admire that, even if I passionatley disagree.
But then again ,Ive seen more disgusting acts of cruelty done so by those hiding behind God and Jesus. Those that choose to judge people by life styles, skin color, religion, sexuality, even something so gauche as they way they dress, talk or act. Im not a Christain, Im not here to judge, but I am here to chuckle when I hear of the diatribe- they've been forgiven............and for good they need to be on a daily basis. All you fire starting ankle biting moral majority fuckers can just kiss my ass. And you too Alito.
Im not a big fan of God. Never have been. Ive always had too many unanwered questions and I never fully believed he is filled with so much love amist all this hate. My first clear recollection of God was when I was 6. My father coming home from work, grabbing my sister and I, crying and damning God for taking his wife, my Mother. 6 years later it was me cursing God- for taking my father as well. I was 12. Then at 18, every 6 years- he take my one of my best friends.
I went to Germany for 2 years after his death. I toured Dachau. It was the singular most important part of my childhood. And a rude awakening. Religion kills. It killed more than my parents and my friends.
I would rather feel as if it were my karma in a past life that has destined me to the misforune thats befallen me now. Rather than believe this all loving ,encompassing forgiving being had subjected me to all this death. I am more comfortable believeing that if I am to achieve a certain nirvana, its up to me, to be a better person, to be more aware, more compassionate. At least it was my destiny, and not someone doing it to me for a certain vulgar form of preverse entertainment. Not a lesson to be learned- at 6 what was the point?
A friend described not having Jesus in your heart, was like living as a donut. You could be sweet, charming and caring- but there would always be a hole.............a void..........something would always be missing.Yes, I am friends with God fearing people as well........I believe if you're truly convicted, I admire that, even if I passionatley disagree.
But then again, Ive seen more disgusting acts of cruelty done so by those hiding behind God and Jesus. Those that choose to judge people by life styles, skin color, religion, sexuality, even something so gauche as they way they dress, talk or act. Im not a Christain, Im not here to judge, but I am here to chuckle when I hear of the diatribe- they've been forgiven............and for good they need to be on a daily basis. All you fire starting ankle biting moral majority fuckers can just kiss my ass. And you too Alito.
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel." --Thomas Paine
Vix "UnPoet" Bergald

I first came across Andre Schlesinger when his band 'The Press' were featured on a split album with 'The Radicts' on Roddy Moreno's 'Oi Records'. Sadly the Press are no longer going but Andre has been working on a new project 'Maninblack' in recent times. I caught up with him and here's what he had to say to FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

I checked out Mysti's photo sets out on City Kittie and was well impressed with them and funily enough a day or so later I bumped in to her on line. After swapping a few mails mainly about the perild of children and X- Boxes I dropped her an interview. This is what she had to to say to PUNK GLOBE.

The next festival is being held in Glasgow at The Barrowlands on Saturday 3rd June. This event subtitled It Aint Over Til the Fat Geezer Sings is a testimonial for Conflict drummer and lifelong friend Paco. Groups confirmed so far include Conflict, Broken Bones, The Varukers, Lost Cherrees, Liberty and Constant Fear. More to be added soon. We urge everyone to try and support this event, Paco gave his all for Conflict and it is our wish that he receives a proper send off from the band. Full advertising and ticket details available soon. Coaches are being
organised from certain major cities, including London. If you are interested in coach travel for this, or any future event contact and mark the subject box coach travel.
To recieve Conflicts full newsletter please email Colin at There you will get all the news about Conflict/Mortahate Records.

Nicola Vazquez is a woman with incredible talent. She has the most wicked of voices, plays a great tune on her guitar and writes some well wriiten lyrics. Not fotgetting she sends the coolest of panties through the post either. I was that impressed with the album I decided to run an interview with her. Here's what Nicola had to say to FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

I came across Holly Filth on the Punk Globe Guestbook and liked her site so I decided to run an interview with this young model from Scotlland. The interview can be found at PUNK GLOBE.
"Hibachi Pizza"
My most memorable experience from childhood involves a man whose name I don't recall ever knowing. My parents moved us around a lot and in this memory we lived in a large 2 1/2 bedroom apartment in a small 6-8 plex apartment building with a mahogany-finish winding staircase. I never really knew the residents around us, in spite of the fact that on the first of the month, every month, it was my mother's responsibility, as the manager, to collect rent from the tenants. That was how we came to live in that amazing apartment. The nicest place I recall us ever living.
Anyway, this old man lived upstairs in one of the apartments I never saw. I didn't recall ever seeing him but one day, the sunday paper came accompanied by a pile of candy of various types. My sister and I shared it with sheer delight. Chocolate and sweettarts and peppermint patties coated with chocolate. Even before the candy had run it's course from wrapper to tummy we began to wonder where it had come from. As had our mother who examined it all with the appropriate (and devastatingly thorough) parental scrutiny before giving in and relinquishing it to our outstretched eager paws
Surely the newspaper guy/girl/boy hadn't brought it. It had never been there before. Who would leave candy for us? The mystery went unsolved throughout the week and the following Sunday morning was like Christmas. My sister and I ran to the front door to retrieve the paper hoping that the mysterious candy faery had returned. To our childish delight we found the same scene. There, atop the newspaper, was the comic section which had been used as a tray for a pile of sweets just like the week before.
Sunday became the day we spent our entire week dreaming about. The identity of the giver remained a mystery to us, though after a few weeks my mother stopped inspecting the candy for ailments (which makes me believe that she had already identified our mysterious prince).
One day, while wondering around outside my sister and I happened upon this old man sitting beneath the tree in the "yard" of our building cooking a frozen pizza on a hibachi grill. He was the picture of old folks at that time. He wore a short sleeve polyester-looking creme and brown collared shirt with brown polyester slacks and polished loafers. His graying hair was meticulously groomed and combed in a style that was popular in the 1920's; only his slightly unkempt beard looked in the slightest haggard. He had the warmest smile I've (to this day) ever seen on a man. We approached the man with the curiousity every child has at that age and he invited us to sit with him.
I remember realizing how queer it was that he was using a grill instead of the oven I was sure sat in his kitchen. (being older now I have narrowed this down to two possibilities-the logical and the romantic--The logical explanation is that it was summer and the building did not have central air so turning on the oven would have made an apartment roast. The romantic version is that he sat out there hoping to run into us. After all, we weren't allowed out much at that time, so its sort of bizarre that on that day, we had been allowed to venture outside) In any event, he offered to share his pepperoni and sausage slightly burnt pizza. We secured the proper permission and happily joined him.
I don't recall the specifics of the conversation. I remember only that he didn't talk to me like a child, though we discussed childish things. He was polite mostly listening to the banter between the two of us with a look of content so radiating that even at my age, I knew that this kind, gentle man was enjoying without the slightest hint of perversion, the company of two goofy little girls.
We never saw the man again, though we recieved candy like clockwork for two more weekends. Neither he, nor my mom ever told us that he was giving us the candy. But I knew before we got up to go inside that day that he was responsible for those giddy mornings. And when I thanked him with a zealousness and sincerity uncharacteristic of a child my age, I hoped he understood that I meant thank you for everything.
Then one day, while leaving our home I saw a frumpy, irritated looking man my parents' age putting cartons into a truck from somewhere in our building. I knew who he was, why he was there and whose things he was clearing out even before I turned my teary eyes in my mothers direction (my mother, monster that she is capable of being, has never been surprised at this wierd occurance with me-she has never questioned it or me and has never made me feel stupid for it. In fact, in some bizarre way, i believe she always expected it and took me at my word even when she didn't know the truth for herself). I looked to her hoping that she would, just this once, tell me that I was wrong. She gave me that sad look she always gave me when she couldn't.
I started crying uncontrollably. Before we pulled away I wanted so badly to run up to that young man (the old man's son) and tell him just how lucky he was to have such an amazing human being for a father. Even if he had been rotten to the boy, even if he'd been a jerk his entire life. Perhaps he was doing his penance by being kind to a couple of kids. I wanted to tell him that his father had forever changed my life and become something of a hero in my eyes for showing unconditional and unsolicited kindness to two little girls who so badly needed that sort of attention and example. I didn't get to tell that man about how his father had shown me the kind of person I would aspire to be.
It wasn't the pizza or the candy. It was the selfless act of kindness from a stranger. It was the curious way he seemed content that day beneath the tree with his frozen pizza and penny loafers. I will remember that day long after I forget my own name. I will never forget!

KHZ are a wicked Metal band from NYC who aren't afraid to experiment with their sound. They really impressed me with their debut album 'Reality On A Finer Scale' and an interview should be here by the next issue. Here's the full review on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

I really love this band and it was a pleasure getting their album hot off the press last week. I can't wait for these to come to the UK to see they play this album live. Please find the full review of 'SHAPINSKA ROCK' on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.

Above is Rose Kuher the guitarist and song writer for Sugar a band who fucking rock out! I was really impressed with their debut album and this is what I said about it on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE.
FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE are constantly updated almost every day with new reviews and interviews. Please do visit them as much as possible to keep up to date with the happenings on both sites.

Swallow are a new and up and coming Punk band from the Blackpool in the North West Of England. They have their debut single coming out on Valentines Day and I will catch up with bassist (see Below) 'Syphi Lizz' for an interview very soon.


My 7 year old know what the "it" is about Punk Rock....
...more than most.
Back in December, I took my 7-year old son to see his first punk rock gig. He and I were invited to go by a singer for one of the bands, Franki Doll. She's beautiful and knows how to kick ass on stage. Not to mention a kick-ass mom who loves kids! She invited me to bring my son, Diego and let him chill back stage with her kids. At first I was a little apprehensive I mean it was a GERMS show after all ... then again how often does a kid get a chance like this ... I decided to take him and if things were too intense for him -- we'd leave.
I need to back up a little bit here to really give you some perspective on the depth and significance of this story I'm about to share so bear with me if you fact at this point you can imagine one of those rippled distortion transitions they use to accentuate a flashback okay you with me?
For the first 4.5 years of this kid's life I was his anchor. I'd have to say 70% of his time was spent alone with me. We were tight as two can be. You see I used to be one of those Moms that actually played pirates in the park instead of blathering away on her cell phone I was swinging my stick sword feverishly to defend our ship. I didnt just sing lullabies to my kids but wrote each of them their very own. We used our Disneyland passport about twice a month, because I loved it just as much as he (I for the flower gardens and people watching however not the focus group approved schmaltz that the present "Disney Empire" tries to pawn off as true Walt worthy entertainment...subject for another time sorry damn ADD) Oka, so here we are tight as two can be - and just as I consider leaving the absent father (alcoholic, cheater and lazy bones other than that we had a great time together) Ooops ~ pregnant with my second child. Damn. I sold my share of our event business to my partner and started doing marketing consulting again. I thought this would result in a 50 hour a week but instead took off like a rocket and before I knew it I was working 18-20 hour days, traveling 1-week or more out of the month. The baby was born, it was another son, who turned out to be the Prodigal son Daddys little darling so okay... you with me so far? I pretty much bail out on him, Dad loves ..2 more and then to top it off Dad's infidelities get sooooo stupid and disrespectful I do leave the dickhead and this poor little 7-year old kids sparkle is now dimmed with loathe, sorrow and loneliness.
Desperate times call for desperate measures - I'm taking him to the show - was my final decision.
The first fuck-you!
They changed the line-up and my girl's band (Franki's Broken Toys) went on first...we missed it. He's heartbroken. Fuck cut me some credit here I'm trying to show this kid a good time I say to myself.
The second fuck-you!
We walk inside and head towards the stage. My head hurt, my heart pounded and I felt rage boiling in me as the raunchy bass, screeching guitar licks and vocals that were equal to Farrakhan's ridiculous hatred. Ugh what the hell is that noise. It sounded like speed metal, vomit fronted by an angry wrapper (thats ice ice baby to you!) spewing forth his seething spit.
There was a violence infused vibe spreading through the crowd. The pit looked fierce. I called my friend and told her we were there. No response. A fight broke out and I turned his curious face towards the opposite direction to point out a blue mohawk. The fight exploded in to a riot. I saw one of her kids heading straight for the melee. My heart raced. My kid is still checking people out and has his back turned to the scene. Someone grabs the little girl and bailed out a side door. The riot had at this point splashed up and out of the pit and over the retention wall into the tables. A waitress was kicked in the face. That was enough for me. I grab my little buddys hand and started towards the exit. We are met by the Cops who were are rushing in the front door and then locked behind them. 'Fucking no-one is leaving right now!' said a loud serious voice.
I looked at my son, his expression was still clueless. There is a downstairs bar which was oddly unoccupied. Sanctuary. The music went on, provoking, taunting the angst and anger. We ordered two cherry cokes. He asks me to call her again. I get her voicemail and I know she's on her way to take her kids home and don't know what to say to him. Damn. I felt like I let him down. Just another disappointment for him, what a total bust. He was admiring some vintage show posters on the wall behind us and then he finally decides to say something.
Seven fuck-yous at once.
"Mom", he says with clever discovery. "That guy's shirt says the f-word, seven times"
I laugh. Yep you are after all out past ten, this is what "night" looks like. And there are some bad-ass grown-ups acting like teenagers around us but they are still adults and can do what they like. You know~rowdy rock-n-roll kind of people and this is their playground ... you're just going to have to ignore that kind of stuff"
He pondered for a moment then asks, "Since I'm out with the adults, can I say the f-word?"
"Certainly not!" said I but then I realized this was one of those desperate measures...for desperate times "But I'll show you how to do it in sign language so when the band plays your favorite song you can wave the "bird" at them"
We practice. We laugh. We decide to bail. Just as we were leaving, my friend came back and finally we went back stage hung with the bands a bit. He was on cloud-nine!! Just before the Germs went on we decided to go home.
The last fuck you!
It was just after midnight and raining hard when we left. He fell asleep in the car for the 20-minute ride home. He woke up when we got home as if he had the finest rest of his life. Wired and full of questions, he and I lay on my bed discussing the night.
"Those people seemed really mad and angry" he said in a way that seemed as if he accidentally let a private thought slip out.
"Yeah." I said "Punk has a lot of feeling in it huh?"
"Uh huh. But why was everyone so mad, and fighting like that?"
I was then that I knew HE WAS TAKING IT ALL IN! Damn, he played it soo cool, what a brave little shit!
"Well bud anger lives in our bellies unlike the other emotions that live in our hearts or our minds. And anger hates to be isolated and lonely, so when someone lets their anger seep out of their mouths... the anger inside of other people hears it and comes out too. Does that make sense?"
"Yes." he said. Then almost in a whisper he said it..."I have a lot of anger in my belly."
"Oh yeah?" I pretended to be nonchalant. "Want to tell me about it?"
"Not really" his eyes welled up.
"I've got an idea" I jumped up and went into my office I grabbed a white board I have yet to hang that is about 2.5' x 3.5 and a handful of markers. I came back to my room and laid it on the floor. "Why don't we make one of those punk rock posters and you can write down all the things that piss you off and I'll even let you use bad words"
"Okay!" He started with ... I'm pissed off because I'm lonely. I hate my little brother because he ruined my life. My dad loves him more. My Mom doesn't laugh with me as much anymore and doesn't let me watch rated "R" movies even though my dad does (yeah but I'll take him to a riot punk rock show he he he) and she works all the time. I hate that my ears hear but my mind doesn't listen all the time (he's got ADD), my cousins do bad things and then say I did it and my Dad doesn't believe me...which is fucking went on like this for a while. (At some point he handed me the marker and just dictated as I furiously scribed his rants.)
I tried hard to fight the tears but they just started rolling down my cheeks. I hugged him and he started to cry too. We laid down on my bed in silence. He reached over and turned on the CD-player beside my bed...which of course were not sleepy time songs but Bad Religion's 1982 release of 'How could hell get any worse' The time on the clock was about 4:30 a.m. and we listened until we were both fast asleep.
When we woke up the next morning I looked at the poster we had made and I took a picture of it and then typed out his complaints for memories.
As I made breakfast, I was filled with much grief and relief all rolled into one big realization--that he had been holding in these heavy emotions for a long time--and not I, nor his Dad, his grand-parents, his school teacher, his Sunday school teacher, nor the family counselor, friends, relatives etc. were a safe house to him. None of us could get him to open up and say that much about his hurt feelings at once.
He went into that show angry and lonely and left feeling validated and part of something bigger than himself. Simply put he was feeling "IT". And isn't "IT" what it's all about? not about clothes, the charts, which bands rock and which ones suck's simply an outlet for everything we hate about our surroundings and ourselves.
I was 12 when it rescued me from my emotional demons and now, almost 24 years later it helped my kid. Yes it's true...My kid is truly FUCKING PUNK ROCK and you can see a picture of him from that night on my profile if you are interested, about 1/2 way down under music.
He changed that night -- and here's one for you, Mrs. Tipper Gore--you fucking moronic bitch! it was a change for the BETTER!



Coming soon is a full interview with Missy Erica an alternative model based in California. More in next issue. In the meantime check out her site.

The gorgeous and talented Lynda Mandolyn of FABULOUS DISASTER has some of her solo work on line. Go and check it out.

This wicked Aussie Rock N Roll outfit 'The Jacknives' have their wicked album 'Jacknife Inn' out and it's not bad at all. It came today and I have the review on line already! Here it is:
"Hurrah this beauty came this morning and I´ve been playing it ever since! The Jacknives are a highly charged Rock N Roll band from Perth in Australia and this album is well worthy of checking out! There´s a few influences in here but what comes to mind for me is they remind me of a cross between the Cramps, Nashville Pussy and the Horrorpops. Musically this band are very talented and this shows on all ten tracks. Best tracks for me are ´Oh Baby Why´, ´Necrpolis´ and ´On The Prowl´. Production is excellent and while at times some bands have a too clean sound for this type of music I think the Jacknives have it pretty spot on. Fans of Rock N Roll, Garage Punk, Psychobilly and Swing will love this baby". (Self Financed) 10/10
Please keep sending in your releases or press packs for review on FFRUK and PUNK GLOBE. If I really like there's a guaranteed interview. Contact addy is:
PLEASE PASS ON! For those not in the know how to pass on please reply to this bulletin then cut and paste in to your own bulletin space then post. Your support is mucho appreciated.

"Street Voice is a voice of Independent music and alternative lifestyles. We make no apologies if this publication offends fascists, homophobes and other bigots. Because Street Voice is made up of Individuals who's opinions may differ from time to time we'd like to point out that we're individuals who accept that in life that people do actually have differing opinions to the ones we hold"
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